woensdag 16 juli 2014

Miu miu sunnies

If you read my post about my love for sunglasses, you'd know that I've been saving up for the pair of Karen Walker sunglasses every blogger seems to own. And as much as I would love to call myself a famous blogger, I know sunglasses won't turn me into one. But I did feel as if owning a pair of these would make me part of the community. After saving up my money for weeks and weeks, I started looking for shops in Europe that sold Karen Walker sunglasses. Since the brand is from New Zealand, finding a Karen Walker store wasn't an easy thing. I finally found a stockist in Rome called Astrologo Ottica. Although they did sell Karen Walker sunnies they did not have the Number One Crazy Tort. I didn't want to get any other sunglasses because that would make me feel as if I had just gotten any pair because I was tired of waiting. 
That same day when I entered the miu miu store in Rome, my eyes fell on this baby. The baby I had once spotted on the miu miu website but happened to be out of stock. The baby I gave up on and had to scratch of my kilometers long wish list. But when we met in real life, the love was real. How great does it feel to have saved up so much money and then finally being able to spend it on something that will make you feel so much fabulous woman and so little broken student? Seriously, when I put on these sunglasses (which I do even when it's dark out) I feel like the person I want to be in the future. Am I exaggerating? Don't think so... And I mean look at the pastel pink case! I would even buy it just for the satisfaction of pulling that gorgeous baby out of my purse.

Sunglasses: Miu miu

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Totally fell in love with these sunnies *_*

    Francesca http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it

    1. They are amazing right? Thank you for reading my blog! x


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