I could've gone for the yoghourt and granola, but I thought I'd go all the way and order me some french toast with clotted cream, mint and berries. When my plate arrived it almost screamed "made-with-love"! I loved how the thick slices of bread seemed to be of a very good quality with beautiful poppy seeds on the crust. I always try to get a little piece of every single ingredient on my fork, so that all the flavours unite and my tastebuds can have a little party. First a berry, then a piece of french toast topped with a spoonful of clotted cream and lastly a bit of mint which gives you that fresh taste.
I ordered a cappuccino to warm me up a little, and it came on this wooden tray which made my cappuccino taste even better. I'm not that person that thinks you eat with your eyes and presentation is everything, but I have to admit that everything looks better on a wooden chopping bord, tray or table. I can't wait to go back and try something else, because literally everything on their menu screamed my name.

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