maandag 25 mei 2015

LIFESTYLE - Ceci n'est pas un article sur la santé

I finally found the courage to sit down and talk about this particular twist I've been trying to give my life for almost two years. I've had quite a few people contacting me with questions about what I do to stay healthy, fit and motivated. So I thought it would be fun to make a little series of blogposts on this subject. 

It often happens that children get to eat anything they want without gaining any weight. It also often happens that when these children grow up, they start gaining weight without having changed their eating habits. Don't ask me why that is, because I'm in no way a specialist, but what I do know is that now is the time for us to teach our bodies how to move, burn calories and sweat... a lot. 

If I have to start talking you through every single thing I've tried, I will find myself sitting in front of this computer all night. I would probably also get depressed remembering all the times I failed, and consequently found myself with my head in a box of cookies.

I read books, blogs and magazines about health. I am constantly on the hunt for stories about people who are trying to change their way of living. I am burning to help people out there who feel bad about themselves and want to change something. I am passionated with cooking. I love how dinners bring people together. I love how nature created us and the food we eat. I mean if you think about it, how can a strawberry be so sweet?

I also want to mention that I am not trying to convince anyone to start a diet or start working out at all. Not all of us want to and not all of us need to. I just like how working out makes me feel and I love trying out healthy recipes. If you don't, you don't. I just want you to be happy!

The question I'm going to answer today is:

What made me want to get healthier?

It wasn't something that came up to me on one particular day. It started two years ago when we had to weigh and measure ourselves at school. Many pupils thought that that was unnecessary and inappropriate, but I think that it's important that there is someone who checks your BMI and I think more schools should start doing this. If you didn't want to go on the scales, you didn't have to. But since we didn't have scales at home I thought it was a good idea to get on there. I have to admit that if I look back now, I wasn't overweight or anything and it was mostly just baby fat. But the most important thing is that it made me feel bad. I was shorter but heavier than my friends. And at one point I realized that when I ran or walked I just didn't feel elegant or womanly at all. I think many of us felt that way when we hit that awkward point in life when everything is out of proportion and you feel like your pants are too tight but too long, your shoes look huge and your skin feels horrible. I believe we've all been there. 
I felt uncomfortable and not really happy with the way I looked and that's when I started running.

Any other questions you want me to answer? Comment them down bellow and I will answer them in my next blogpost!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Loop je alleen maar of doe je ook nog andere work-outs? :)

  2. Lijkt me ook wel leuk om te weten welke workouts je allemaal doet en hoe je dat doet; zo gezond mogelijk eten, want ik wil het zo graag proberen, maar toch val ik telkens weer voor dat pak chocolade of een lekkere cake ;)


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